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Why White Porcelain Tiles are trending?

21st April 202119th October 2022No comments

Whilst White Porcelain Tiles are currently trending, Bubbles & Dreams have put this page together to educate you on their selling points.  The most popular choice customers make when undertaking a kitchen design project is brightening a bathroom up with a new colour.

It will be fairly easy to replace bathroom equipment and re-paint as fashions change. However, when when it comes to tiles, the most significant reason for specifying white is that while there are myriad ways to make it look new, it is a colour that doesn’t go in and out of style. Thus, choosing white porcelain tiles is of tremendous value when selecting any permanent building material.

This is because white porcelain tiles have a classic quality about them. Their sleek, clean aesthetic is timeless and incredibly versatile, meaning you can use them with just about any interior decor, so why is this classic tile forecasted as the next big interiors? Well, the white tile remains constant in various light sources, accentuates light and shadow to help the eye appreciate the form and shape of a room.

White Porcelain Tiles | Wall & Floor Tiles

Both our white porcelain walls tiles and floor tiles are ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. Being made out of porcelain, they won’t rot or warp like wood flooring, and they’re also stain-resistant and easy to clean. If you’re looking to install underfloor heating in your house, then porcelain floor tiles work incredibly well, as a great all-around choice.

Shop for white porcelain floor tiles and wall tiles in our showroom. All of our products are made to incredibly high standards, so see and feel the quality of the tile available. In addition to always being on hand to assist with any questions you may have about choosing new tiles.

So what are the pros and cons of porcelain tile? Here are few questions that are tiling experts are often asked…

Can you Install porcelain tile yourself?

Yes, white porcelain is probably the cheapest and easiest tile to install.

Best uses of white porcelain?

All-purpose, so suitable for residential and also commercial installations.

Does white porcelain tile stain?

Its surface absorbs very little moisture, so spills that might seep into another material. And additionally may cause a stain can easily be wiped up with a damp cloth.

How to maintain your tiles?

To maintain it, porcelain generally only needs to be cleaned with water or a mild detergent.

Which is better ceramic or porcelain tiling?

The density of porcelain tile makes it more durable than ceramic tile while being less subject to wear and tear.

What is the best grade of porcelain?

Ceramic tile is graded from 1 to 5, with 5 being the longest wearing tiles. And, here are the multiple types of tile grading and their suitable uses:
Starting with the weakest, Grade 1 tiles have the best application as wall tiles.
Followed by, Grade 2 tiles are best used in areas where there is light traffic, such as residential bathrooms.
Grade 3 tiles can withstand slightly heavier traffic and are the most common choice for residential applications.
Grade 4 tiles are better suited for residences and can accommodate commercial spaces with light foot traffic, such as a dental or doctor’s office.
Finally, Grade 5 – as the strongest grade tile, grade 5 is best suited for commercial applications with heavier foot traffic.

When it comes to white tiles, Bubbles & Dreams Bathroom and Tile Warehouse have got it covered. Discover our range of classic porcelain wall and floor tiles – you’ll love our rock-bottom prices.

White porcelain floor tile St Helens | White porcelain floor tile Warrington | White porcelain floor tile Wigan | White porcelain tile Bolton

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